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Crash Video Florida:
Florida Final Day - 1st place:


Disney Cup Orlando Florida.
3 ABA/UCI rounds…3 days of racing…2 wins and a crash.
Flying from California to Florida we had flight delays and we didn't get into Tampa Florida until early hours of the morning. We drove from Tampa to Orlando arriving at 5am to get 5hours sleep get up unpack our bikes and race day one of racing.
It was nice to get back on a bigger hill again in Florida the race had a cool little vibe to it. It was not only 3 ABA rounds there was also a Disney Cup for overall winner of the 3 days of racing.
Day 1 I was having naps in between races and couldn't wait till the day was over I won day 1
It was a quick tiring trip in Orlando..Next stop Rincon Peurto Rico this weekend
Rincon Puerto Rico
Last week I flew to Puerto Rico for an ABA National round. This would by far be my favorite place that I have been for a BMX race. It was my 21st birthday the Monday we arrived and I so wanted to go Scuba Diving for my birthday. It was such an amazing experience although I almost pulled out I was scared at first, but once I got down 50ft amongst the coral in crystal clear water with all the fish, I loved it!! A whole other world down there. We explored the island, saw aniguana, ate lots of seafood, relaxed on the beach and I attempted surfing…it was such a great week.
The humidity played a big factor in racing, I have never raced in that kind of humidity before where you instantly sweat as soon as you walk outside.
Day 1 of racing Dominique Daniels pulled me down the first straight and cut me off. I almost came back for the win but she got me on the line and I ended up 2nd place.

Day 2 I got out of the gate well, but Dom gave me a big elbow causing me to crash and I ended up in 5th place.

….That's it for racing for the rest of the year, time to rest and heal. Next race is on the Gold Coast early January next year :)

Caroline Buchanan

Twitter: CBuchanan68
Skype: Caroline-Buchanan
Manager: Robert Joske Management: