Pro Training Camp 1311
Sunday Lane Winona
Lake, IN 46590 Phone
– (574) 269-5983
Email – Camp Registration Form (If
you're ready to register, just copy this registration form to your word
processor, print it out and send it to the address above.) NAME__________________________________________________________________________________ AGE________ DATE OF
BIRTH_________ GRADE LAST COMPLETED_________ GENDER________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________________________________
ST__________ ZIP________________ PHONE (_______)
_______-___________ PARENT_____________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS IF
APPLICABLE_________________________________________________________ CLASS (circle one) Rookie – Novice - Intermediate - Girl - Expert NBL License#_____________ (If you are an ABA
member, please contact us and we'll make arrangements for an NBL license.) Circle One, Please ..... Commuter Camper/$195 – Daily Camper/$75 Medical Authorization/Permission FormI declare the above
named camper to be in good health and permission is granted to participate in
all BMX camp activities, unless otherwise indicated on this record. In case of
illness and/or injury, permission is granted for medical treatment to be
rendered to my son/daughter. I understand that I will be notified in case of
serious illness. All medical bills are the responsibility of the camper’s
parent or guardian. I also grant permission for any photo or likeness taken at
the camp to be used for promotional purposes. Name of Health
Insurance Carrier______________________________ Policy#________________________ Name of Policy
Holder____________________________ Name of Employer__________________________ Any specific
restricted______________________________________________________________ Any special medical
or dietary plan to be continued_______________________________________________ Drug
Please be specific____________________________ Please detail special health concerns such as diabetes, epilepsy, sleep walking, bedwetting, recent exposure to communicable diseases, allergies, etc, which would aid us in providing a safe and pleasurable program experience for your child. Please attach additional pages as necessary. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Camper’s
Signature __________________________________________________
Date__________________ Parent/Guardian
Signature_____________________________________________ Date__________________ PLEASE
receipt of this completed registration form and your deposit, the information
and “what to bring” sheets will be sent to you.